Tuesday, October 20, 2009

This Thursday

Hello everyone, this Thursday will have to turn into a night off for everyone as I have a lot of responsibilities to wrap up for work. I know seems lame but I can't escape - anyways you'll be fine. So, until next week read through chapter two and if you feel adventurous do the following;

1. Look up the references that the author uses. Hint - there are four of them.
2. Think about the implications that will happen in your life when you consider the importance of Jesus being your high priest.
3. Refer to the following and write down how they relate to perseverance.
a. 2 Thess. 1:4/3:5
b. James 1:3-4
c. Rev 2:2,19
d. Romans 5:3-5

I would love to read your comments if you are so inclined. Have a great week.

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