Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Supremecy of God's Son

Well, we are well under way in our journey through Hebrews. For this week I would like us to slowly read through 1:1-4. What I mean by slowly reading through it is I would encourage you to read it at least twice a day. Preferably once in the morning and once in the evening. Think through it during your day. Ask yourself some questions about the four verses. You might ask;

How many characters from the Old Testament can I name that God used to speak to his people?

If I was to pick out three things that I can remember Jesus saying what are they? And what is God saying to us today through them?

Why would it be important to tell the church that Jesus sits at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven?

Of course there may be other questions you might ask yourself. One point off interest for me is that the portion from verse two to three sounds familiar to the portion in Colossians regarding the pre-eminence (having paramount rank, dignity, or importance) found in 1:15-20. I wonder if we have given ourselves the time to think through the implication and importance of connecting the fact that Jesus holds everything together by the shear power of his command and its that same power that ensures that his sacrifice for our sins is perfect in pleasing God, complete and lacks nothing for anyone to add into and sustains the saint through everyday until they are in heaven.

What a marvelous joy and confidence Jesus gives to us.

For Thursday nighters - please read through the five verses several times a day.
For those following along I will post some Cole's notes on Friday regarding our introduction.

Have a great week.

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